TI - Families

In order to better understand the typical features of Sirio Standard Pulse and Drive Transformer families, suffice it to consult quikly the following table or, alternatively, to analize the peculiarity of each family by looking at the detailed descriptions.

  Winding process Typical transfer area values Typical primary inductance values Leakage inductance Coupling capacity Typical application Dimensions in mm
105 Toroidal interleaved windings 1÷10 μVs 1÷100 μH Low Medium- Low BJTs, MOSFETs high frequency firing

9x14x 15(h)

106 Linear interleaved windings 25÷250 μV 1÷10 mH Medium Medium BJTs, IGBTs, MOSFETs high frequency firing

20x15x 11,2(h)

108 Linear separated windings 100÷1000 μVs 1÷50 mH High Low Multiple shot firing 17x17,8x 13,5(h)
109 Linear interleaved windings 50÷500 μVs 1÷10 mH Medium Medium BJTs, IGBTs, MOSFETs high frequency firing

17x17,8x 13,5(h)

111 Toroidale (several magnetic materials and building process available) 50÷250 μVs 1÷50 mH Low / Medium- Low High / Medium-
BJTs, IGBTs, MOSFETs high frequency firing 17,5x17,5
112 Toroidale (several magnetic materials and building process available) 100÷1000 μVs 1÷50 mH Low / Medium-
High / Medium-
BJTs, IGBTs, MOSFETs high frequency firing 21,5x21,5
113 Toroidale (several magnetic materials and building process available) 250÷1500 μVs 1÷100 mH Low / Medium-
High / Medium-
Thyristors e Triacs single shot firing (large voltage time area) 27x29,5
114 Toroidale (several magnetic materials and building process available) 500÷2500 μVs 1÷100 mH Low / Medium-
High / Medium-
Thyristors e Triacs single shot firing (large voltage time area) 38x38x22(h
116 Customized pulse and drive transformers on several different sizes
117 Linear interleaved windings 100÷750 μVs 1÷50 mH Medium Medium BJTs, IGBTs, MOSFETs high frequency firing 25x22
118 Linear interleaved windings 250÷1500 μVs 1÷50 mH Medium Medium BJTs, IGBTs, MOSFETs high frequency firing 28x28
